The Main Events of 2022

A lot happened and as I have noted previously, the past is the past and I prefer not to dig into it too much in case it releases bad smells that will linger into the present and future.

  1. Miriam is an ongoing wonderful event. We have a fixed meeting day, a Wednesday, after her swimming class.
  2. Al’s health issues – major events of 2022, second hip replacement and then laminectomy on L2345. Looking to the future that the dropped foot (May 2022) will recover a bit and the other foot will not drop. The back pain will diminish and with luck the crutches will not have to be such a feature.
  3. My health issues minimal
  4. UniSQ research project – seems to be a happening, first survey administered and analysed and interviews conducted. numbers very small and now we are part of a joint effort in the Business Academy with funding and administrative support. Going forward this starts to be even more exciting with plans to administer surveys in the Orientation programme.
  5. Finally writing seriously on an article growing from my thesis titled something like The Intersection between the Inner Voice and the Hard Edges of Knowledge.
  6. Book Chapter in Student Services edited Huijser, Kek, Padro. Check out the published book on Google, I am Chapter 16.
  7. Garden is growing well and has provided us with lettuce, radishes, bok choy, other Asian greens and lots of pumpkins. New developments are herbs transplanted from pots on the deck into the raised beds, and between the flagstones outside the car port. Also losses and additions and slow developments. Some hired help at play here especially with mowing our fast growing grass footpath!
  8. New kitchen installed. Very happy. Old kitchen removed but left ugly traces and we await Al’s recovery to repair those.
  9. Carport finally built. A very difficult experience.
  10. Trading continues at Fairs etc and shop space at Little Birdy’s Uralla. All been a bit ho hum but we soldier on with hired help.
  11. I went to Bangkok, had time with Mary, wonderful to be able to do it and had dentures made, very good treatment, all facilitated by good exchange rate.
  12. Membership of Grafton Bridge Club consolidated and count myself very lucky to be part of a lovely crowd of people.
  13. Volunteering at the Clarence Valley Country Universities Centre (CUC) has proved a good development for me and hopefully for the few students I have encountered.
  14. Getting Australian citizenship and passport and participating in the election. A terrific experience. I volunteered for one of the so-called Teal Independents, Dr Hanabeth Luke. This is a solid Nationals constituency but we dented their majority a bit.
  15. Christmas trip to South Africa with the rest of the family cancelled – postponed to September/October 2023.
  16. I’ve left out the list of people who have diedand become very ill. Too sad. But too many family members have departed including a nephew just turned 40.

Whats on in 2023

  1. More optimism and positive anticipation.
  2. Write, write, write – get published
  3. Active participation in the forthcoming state election
  4. Marketing – downsized and selective
  5. Trip to Bangkok courtesy of Mary and Tamsin – what a lucky person am I.
  6. September/October trip to SA – stay in Parkmore with Maxine and Roxanne while their parents travel to France for RWC. What joy will that be.
  7. Travel a bit in South Africa, so wait for it friends and rellies over there!!
  8. More gratitude for our many blessings
  9. More short bursts of activity in the garden, each one shows!
  10. More correspondence with all my readers and friends. Please react to this.
Pop and Miriam dress the Dolly

Taking it easy in luxury after working in our stall at the Antique Fair in Brisbane.

A Teasdale special, Roxanne, Steve, Kirsten and Maxine

Tamsin and Dave

Andy Miriam and Ruth

With Mary in Bangkok

My children continue to make a difference in their various walks of life – Ruth – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Livable (organisation providing support for disabled and aged). Kirsten moving up the ladder in Webber Wentzel and Co, business development manager. Tamsin is making a name for herself in the world of resilience and environmental development and protection. Mary is Head of academics at a small private school in Bangkok.

So there it is, the bones of our recent lives. I am happy to provide more detail for those who want it but the last months in the so-called aftermath of Covid, which is still a real worry, have been hard for everyone. So not much to add. We find ways to be happy and have much to look forward to in the coming months. A Labour government, trying to turn the clock back and make life better, renewed hope within ourselves, a home we own, a garden that grows and good TV and literature at our fingertips.

About musingsdownunder

Ageing wannabe thinker. Have been a teacher now a learner. Two streams - pushing the known to the unknown and maybe unknowable. Want to know how verbal, linguistic production reflects mind activity, thinking, reasoning, reflecting, autonomous choices... Believe every student tries, every teacher would do better if they knew the process behind the effort....
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1 Response to The Main Events of 2022

  1. Moira Keymer says:

    Loved reading all your news. Even went back some. Didnt know about your hand. Daves had the same thing but without the complications. I have just had a basal thumb joint on my right hand done. Feels line a new hand.
    Sometimes I feel like a real croc

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